Humans of Wagyu

 Seller  Humans of Wagyu
Chief Operations Officer Guilherme Lima Ceciliati Fagundes
Address 2-13-5 Shimanouchi,Chuo - ku, Osaka
Contact Japanese only. For inquiries, please contact Hata's Hamper Comment Form
Description of product Price All prices include consumption tax.
Product Delivery Method Shipment by shipping company after we make arrangements
Defective product/return policy

Defective products - We will pay the shipping costs for returns due to defects. We will not accept returns or exchanges except for defective items.Shipping fee for returns items - Returns for the customer's convenience will be at the customer's expense. If the product is defective, we will bear the cost.

Once the product has been shipped, please note that cancellations cannot be processed.

Payment method Credit card payment instantly