Five-Star Hyogo 2024 special set
Five-Star Hyogo 2024 special set
We're proud to announce that Shiinuka's pickles have been selected for the Five-Star Hyogo 2024.
Made with organic vegetables and additive-free ingredients
Every week, orders received Monday through Sunday are combined and shipped on the following Thursday and Friday.
1 egg / tofu / seasonal veggie x 4 seasonal best vegetables selected by producer.
What is Konnayku...
A food commonly used in Japanese cuisine made from konjak flour, it has a jelly-like texture and is called konnyaku.
Best-before date is 1 week from the time of shipment.
Since live lactic acid bacteria are active and do not spoil easily, we use "best-before" date instead of "best-consumption" date.
The products are inspected by an institution approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with the Food Sanitation Law.
Please understand that it takes time for us to deliver each order since we carefully make each order one by one after receiving it.
Shipping fee
Shipping fee
Each producer calculates the shipping fee differently based on the type of product.
Shipping time
Shipping time
We will ship as soon as the harvest/production is ready. If you have to wait longer due to weather conditions, or if we are out of stock, we will contact you through “Hata’s Hamper”.
Welcome to Hata's Hamper!
Our goal is to introduce as many Japanese grown and Made in Japan products from multiple producers all over the country to the English-speaking community living here in Japan.